Saturday, October 22, 2016



Your skills of writing Paragraph will make you a perfect man.If you look at any printed prose book, you will see that each chapter is divided up into sections, the first line of each being indented slightly to the right. These sections are called Paragraph. Chapters, essays and other prose compositions are broken up into paragraphs, to make the reading of them easier.

For the beginning of a new paragraph marks a change of topic or a step in the development of an argument or of a story. In writing essays or other compositions, it is important to know how to divide them properly into paragraphs. For an essay not broken up, looks uninteresting and is not easy to read.


A paragraph is a number of sentences grouped together and relating to one topic. Or, a group of related sentences that develop a single point.

This definition shows that the paragraphs of compositions are not mere arbitrary divisions. The division of a chapter into paragraphs must be made according to the changes of ideas introduced.

There is, therefore, no rule as to the length of a paragraph. It may be short or long according to the necessity of the case. A paragraph may consist of a single sentence or of many sentences.

In this aspect, the paragraphs of a piece of prose differ from the stanzas of verses of a poem. The stanza of a poem are usually of the same length and pattern but paragraphs are long or short according to the amount of matter to be expressed under each head.

The Principle of Good Paragraph Structure:

A good paragraph should have three aspects.

1. Unity

2. Order

3. Variety

Now let us see what they are.

1. Unity:

The first and most important principle to be observed in constructing a paragraph is that of UNITY.Just as each sentence deals with one thought, each paragraph must deal with one topic or idea – and with no more than one. In writing an essay, for example, every head, and every sub-head, should have its own paragraph to itself. And every sentence in the paragraph must be closely connected with the main topic of the paragraph. The paragraph and every part of it must be the expression of one theme or topic.

Note: A good practice is to read a chapter in a book, and give a short heading or title to each paragraph, which will express in a word or brief phrase the subject of the paragraph.


The second principle of paragraph construction is Order – that is, logical sequence of thought or development of the subject. Events must be related in the order of their occurrence, and all ideas should be connected with the leading idea and arranged according to their importance or order.

Note: The two most important sentences in the paragraph are the first and the last. The first, which should as a rule be the topical sentence, should arouse the interest of the reader; and the last should satisfy it. The first, or topical, sentence states the topic – a fact, a statement, or a proposition; the last should bring the whole paragraph on the topic to a conclusion, or summing up.


A third principle of paragraph construction is Variety, by which is meant that, to avoid monotony, the paragraph of a composition should be of different lengths, and not always of the same sentence construction.

To sum up :

The essentials of good paragraph construction are:

(1) Unity

(2) A good topical sentence

(3) Logical sequence of thought

(4) Variety

(5) A full and rounded final sentence in conclusion

Now let us examine a few paragraphs by standard authors in illustration of these principles of paragraph construction.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Basic Human Rights

Basic Human Rights: A global demand for establishing peace

In the present civilized world everybody has some rights to exercise. The rights to get food, shelter,
education, medical treatment etc. are called fundamental rights. But the concept of basic human rights
derives from the belief that a man cannot exist in this world without having certain rights in a particular tribe or in the society. The basic human rights are divided into different categories. They are social rights, civil rights, political rights, economic rights, religious rights and cultural rights. Social rights mean the rights to move freely, to arrange and attend any social function like meeting, conference, marriage ceremony, birthday party or any other social function. Civil rights refer to the rights of the citizens. Every citizen has the rights to be free from the interference, attack and disturbance of others. Political rights mean the rights to join trade union, to take part in the administration, to give vote and to have the freedom of speech including freedom of expression of opinions. An inhabitant will also exercise the cultural rights, religious rights and economic rights. A person can attend various cultural functions like Pahela Baishakh, carnival, jatra, snake charming, puppet show etc. as well as can arrange them at different times. In the same way people can enjoy various religious festivals like Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha, Christmas day, Swarashati puja etc and all these are their religious rights. Moreover, people of different religions can independently say their respective prayers going to mosque, church, temple or pagoda, and perform other religious activities. Every person can possess properties, establish organisations, support others financially etc ----- all these are some examples of economic rights. In the constitution all rights of the people have been obviously mentioned. All citizens are equal in the eye of law and justice. But in many countries of
the world including Bangladesh basic human rights are being violated brutally. This violation must be
considered crime. And this type of crime is usually committed by the law-enforcing agencies, miscreants and politicians. Definitely they should be punished for violating fundamental human rights. So, some pragmatic measures should be adopted by the govt. as well as by all leading NGO‘s. All constitutional writings about basic human rights have to be materialized in no time. Moreover, we have to raise consciousness about the basic human rights among all people through different mass media like radio, television, cinema, newspaper, poster, internet etc. and through political activities, canvass and propaganda so that we can ensure the fundamental human rights for the overall betterment of all.

Internet: A window of multidimensional communication

 Internet: A window of multidimensional communication

In the modern global world Internet is the easiest and cheapest way of communication. It is a new device for speedy transmission of notion, information, news, feelings etc. in the process of computer networks. De facto, Internet is the network of all Intranets and networks in the world. To have an Internet connection we need a speedy computer, modem, telephone line and the help of an ISP (Internet Service Provider). The ISP maintains all accounts of Internet users. When a user sends messages from his computer, the modem processes them and sends them to the ISP and finally the server of the ISP sends them to the destination. Nowadays this type of Internet connection is going to be obsolete because the new broadband Internet connection is providing the users with the advantages of Internet access without telephone wires. It is done with the help of an antenna and some other required devices. Moreover, the broadband Internet connection can provide the users with all types of modern communication facilities at the cheapest rate. Our T & T Board has already introduced VAST in our country by which the users can have a connection without telephone line through wires. As a result, cellular telephone or mobile phone is being used in our country. Now cellular phone provides the advantages of Internet connection. However, through Internet we can access any information-zone of the world having only a click on the computer's mouse. We can
exchange our views and ideas with others and simultaneously can have an Internet chat with the help of IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and with many other popular programmes. In modern transaction Internet is providing us with the facilities of Ready-Cash, MasterCard, Visa-Card and what not. Now text as well as image is possible to be sent simultaneously through Internet. Besides these, through Internet the users can get advantages of voicemail, email, telephone, web-phone, fax, telex, and video-conference. But for video-conference the users need a web-camera or a digital video camera. Through Internet video-conference one can enjoy the other's movie-live pictures with audio-visual options. Through Internet one can search / browse other's homepage and can download any information not only from the web-site but also from any corner of stored information. Except these, Internet plays a vital role in entertainment and education. Web TV and 3-D online games cannot be ignored. Britannica, Encarta Encyclopedia, online educational help have opened a new dimension of education. But sometimes the youngsters enjoy obscene pictures and movies that may hamper their moral characters. After all, we can opine that Internet communication is
now regarded as a milestone in the modern communicative world.

Cyber Cafe

Cyber Cafe

Cyber Cafe is the centre where the Internet users can have an easy access to get all types of information. In a cyber cafe there are arranged many computers with Internet connection. Here one can use Internet paying the required amount of money. Different types of people come to a cyber cafe in quest of different types of information. The modern cyber cafe is established providing the users with all sorts of facilities including fast food facilities. Most of the students go to a cyber cafe to get help from various educational corners. At times they collect information of different universities of the world for higher education and sometimes for better job. Those days are not so far when the students can take their class lecture from anywhere of the worlds. It is also sure that some users go to a cyber cafe for gossiping with their friends through Internet. Again, one can have a telephone call with the help of net2phone and with other popular programmes and devices. Some users go there with a view to checking their emails. Some are compelled to go to a cyber cafe because their telephone lines at home remain busy with normal phoning. Going to a cyber cafe the users can get the advantages of voicemail, email, telephone, web-phone, fax, telex and even video conference. But for video conference the cyber cafe requires a web camera or a digital video camera that gives the facility of enjoying movie-live pictures each other of the users. Nowadays a physician can treat a patient staying in other country through Internet. Moreover, the modern professional doctors are getting opportunities to make themselves up-to-date and becoming familiar with the new and latest
systems of treatments. Besides these, all types of learners are to go to a cyber cafe not only for solving their perspective problems but also for having an acquisition of wisdom from the online Encarta Encyclopedia, Britannica and many others. Browsing homepage and purchase-corner, the users can learn the price, quality etc of different products of different companies; and they can order them sending MasterCard, Visa-Card, Ready-Cash etc. through Internet. One can download freeware software, virus protection tools and many other essentials from the web-site of Internet. Web-TV, 3-D games, virtual reality, IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and so on cannot but excite our mind with entertainment. But the youngsters sometimes enjoy the taboo and obscene pictures and movies that may harm their moral characters. Moreover, they may spend time and money more than necessary. After all, we can say that cyber cafe is getting more and more popular day by day for its great importance.



Terrorism or anarchy or violence is a fatal disease in society. It means the supreme reign of lawlessness for the inability of government to control. During a period of terrorism, lawlessness is seen to reign supreme.It demolishes tranquility and peace in normal life. For the disturbance of peace, our civilized life falls into a great threat and our life becomes beck and call of terrorists. This ill condition of society urges others to extend the brutal passions of mind. It destroys the standard of social norms and behavior which encourage the finer shades of feeling. On the other hand, in the absence of the law and order situation, man is compelled to become cruel, brutal, greedy, selfish and more concerned with personal than general welfare. In a state of anarchy, terrorism gets the upper hand. The law enforcing agencies also become passive. College and university students are being engaged in violence throwing their main duty of study to dust. Even the teachers are growing unconcerned about the welfare of the students. The basic principles of democracy for which they are shouting are going to be slaughtered at their hands. Everyone gets interested to take law in his own hand and most of us become passive spectators. Killing, looting, hijacking, kidnapping, teasing, threatening and other anti-social activities become the order of the day. Everywhere prevails a state of restlessness. Rules and regulations of every sector become polluted which bar all development works. So, if we want to develop and survive peacefully in the society, we have to endeavor all together to stop terrorism and to eradicate its root-source.

Satellite TV Channels

 Satellite TV Channels

Satellite TV is one of the greatest achievements of modern science. Now it is regarded as the medium of information, entertainment, telecast, education and many others. It can telecast any live programme from the remotest part of the world. Satellite TV can display many programmes at a time. With the help of satellite, world has turned into a global village. Now we can watch Australian, British or American TV programmes sitting before our own TV set. Satellite TV has added a new dimension in our oriented life providing many programmes through different channels. It‘s not only a good medium of recreation but also a source educational knowledge. Different channels telecast various educative dramas, movies, sports, cultural functions, news and articles. So we can easily collect educative information of agriculture, science and technology, politics, education, business, invention etc. Satellite TV helps us widespread the sight and outlook of the society. Coming to contact with the western societies, we are getting the opportunities to enrich our society and ourselves. But on the other hand, many people especially young generations are getting hampered and we all are now forgetting our own customs, traditions, music and culture. Very often obscene pictures and vulgar movies and programmes are shown in various satellite channels. Young generations are becoming more and more addicted to them. Moreover, most of us want to follow the
dress-pattern, hairstyle, behavior, music and nudity of the westerns. This mentality is leading our young generations to moral degradation. So, we all should be conscious of that.

Natural Calamities of Bangladesh

Natural Calamities of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is called the land of natural calamities.The prime natural disasters of this country are flood, storm, cyclone, drought and famine. Flood visits our country every year due to heavy rainfall. It is the most devastating one of all natural calamities. It takes a serious turn in the monsoon. Due to heavy rain, most of the rivers overflow their banks and thus cause flood. It washes away different types of crops, cattle, homes and properties. The devastating floods in the years of 1988 and 1998 are very remarkable. Most of the districts in the southwest of Bangladesh had been inundated violently. Storm is not less destructive than flood. Storm causes abrupt damage to our life and property. Affected people cannot get the opportunity to save themselves nor their properties. It blows away our homes, trees, cattle and many things. But when a storm revolves violently round a centre, it is called cyclone. It moves at a high speed ranging from forty to more than hundred kilometres per hour. During the last few years, several cyclones swept over our country and caused immense harm to our people. Cyclone is a curse to the inhabitants of the coastal regions of Bangladesh. The tidal bore and the heavy showers wash away the stores of foodstuff and cause terrible damage. Drought causes serious harm to our crops and trees. Due to the want of water farmers cannot grow plants nor can produce bumper crops. As an aftermath, famine occurs. Many people die from hunger. However, we have to reduce the loss caused by various natural calamities. Using modern weather forecast, prior warning can be given to the people who are likely to be affected storm, cyclone etc. Moreover, the affected people and domestic livestock can be easily shifted to a safer place during flood and cyclone. Besides, a quick relief, medical treatment and essential medicines should be supplied among the affected people. Some effective measures should be taken by the govt. as well as different NGO‘s with a view to eliminating sufferings of the victims.

Price hike

Price hike 

Price hike means the rise of price of daily necessaries. Today price hike is a common phenomenon in our economy. The price of essential commodities is increasing by leaps and bounds. The causes of price hike are many. Hoarding is one of the important factors for soaring price level. People hoard the essential commodities with an ill motive and as a result there is break down in the supply. Smuggling and black marketing are also important factors that cause price hike. Essential commodities are always being smuggled across the border. Shortage of supply due to low production also accelerates the price hike of essential goods. Our population is increasing in geometrical progress, while the supply of food increases in arithmetical progress. For this the supply of goods is very scanty in comparison to our demands. However efforts should be made and necessary actions and proper measures should be taken to tackle the situation. Hoarding should be controlled. Smuggling and black-marketing are to be eradicated. Adequate supply of essential commodities is to be ensured. And last of all government should launch programmed to tackle the price hike problem.

A Birth Day Party

A Birth Day Party

           We are thankful to Allah Who has created us as human beings. We often celebrate the Day when we were born. I also celebrated the last anniversary of my birth on 3rd January this year.  As I have no brother or sister. I had to take full responsibility myself. First of all I started  to dust out drawing room and made it neat and clean. After  that  I decorated  this room  with  colorful  balloons and  paper made  flowers. I also  had  to  order  birthday  cake  and  my  mother  cooked  some  delicious foods. I invited all of my close friends; and my cousins were also present in that celebration. My  parents gave  me  a  nice dress  and  my friends  brought  different beautiful  gifts and  wished  me  a long  life  with beautiful  birthday card. I enjoyed   the occasion greatly. When all the guests arrived, we started the programme. I cut the cake with a song from the parents and guests, “Happy Birthday to you.”  Then  the  dinner  was started  and continued  till 9 pm. The programme was finished through songs and sounds. My cousins and friends took a number of photos.  There was   an atmosphere of joy and merriment everywhere in the house on the occasion. I eagerly wait every year for this very day.



 I am  Zahid Hasan Nazmul. I live with my parents, grandmother and grandfather. We are five brothers and sisters. I am the last of all. My grandfather is a retired government school teacher. At present he spends his time in social activities. My grandmother is a nice old lady. My father is a working doctor in a government hospital. My mother is a professor of English in a college. My elder brother is a doctor also. My sister is a teacher also. My other brothers are businessman and I am student. I take part in game and sports. I say my prayer. I obey my parents and teachers. I maintain my routine.