Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Use and Abuse of Facebook

Use and Abuse of Facebook

Facebook is one the greatest invention of modern civilization. Modern communities can not think their modern life without social media like Facebook, Google Plus etc. Facebook has made the communication of the today's people more easy. One can share his     or her ideas, States of his or her mind, status of his or her present conditions. Above all one can maintain close relation among the friends, classmates and other relatives. One can get his or her friends in no time. 10 to 15 years ago, when there was no social media, people used view cards or photos for exchanging greetings. Those greetings were delivered by post mails or e-mail. Post mail was very slow process. But today, through Facebook we can share photos, videos among our friends. We can keep connected with our friends and family members. But this great blessing of modern science has some demerits too. Many young boys and girls become addicted to it and give more time on it than studies. Sometimes, privacy is not ensured. Few senseless people post nude pictures. Seeing these pictures, the tender mind of youngsters severely damaged. A long term bad effects can be seen in those adolescents. Besides, many girls and ladies committed suicide because their enemy posted their privet photos or videos. Despite these few bad sites of Facebook book, it has great importance for the communication of modern people.

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